I had a little depression last week and want to write some code to distract my attention but have no idea at all. While I was looking my Weibo I noticed someone post some SPECIAL character.

I know that stuff, it’s unicode. My first mini-programe uses unicode’s tab to generate a pure-text vertical layout. However I didn’t know it well, so I decided to look into it and see what I can achieve.

I was collecting these characters that the poster posted and I discoverd there is more than I think. I have collected 19 sets of English alphabet and 11 sets of digital alphabet! That’s 30 sets in total! During collecting I also found same beautiful characters unbelong to any alphabet, so I have to ignore them. PITY.

Now I have the resources, time to coding. The logic is simple:

  1. Acquiring users’ input and sperate the input and then compare to current sets char by char;
  2. Replacing if the char is matched, of keep it that way;
  3. Put the result char together and display;

I’m using a BAAS as my backend. The reason why I decide to implement backend is because I don’t want my code reviewing by wechat each time I update. So the table I designed has these fields:

  1. Label for display;
  2. Name of the set
  3. Type of the set
  4. Content of the set

That’s the basic fields. For further purpose I added preview_long & preview_short for display.

Because it’s a unicode program, so I decide to integrate with my first mini-program “ZhanXin” which makes the horizontal text vertical, and make Zhan a sub feature as well as the new Char-Digit feature and I called this new updated mini program ChatMOJI! Hope it will bring moji more fun while you’re chating.